Thursday, March 6, 2014

SpeakPipe - receive voice messages from your audience directly on your website.

Today is Tuesday and I encouraged my Literacy and Technology class to accept "Slice of Life"challenge.

I plan to participate in this challenge myself.

There is so much you can write about. I have learned a lot of things today. Besides reading students' assignments and posts on eClass forums, I joined webinars "Mapping for Common Core" from the PD Common Core 360 website. I would recommend school districts and pre-service teachers to join the site and participate in these webinars to be enlightened on how to map the curriculum with Common Core Standards.

I sent a message to Donna Perk, a teacher from Bishop Dunn Memorial School and shared some resources on teaching with iPads and Smart Boards.

While I was browsing Google + communities I came across @One Community moderated by one of my virtual friends, Michelle Pakansy-Brock. I enjoy seeing how Michelle is progressing with her career as an online professor, the author of the book Best Practices for Teaching with Emergent Technologies, a moderator of several communities and a keynote presenter at the conferences and symposiums. She presented at the SLN SOL Summit in NYC in February 2014 on How to Help Faculty to Humanize Online Teaching and Learning ExperienceImpressive!
I am surprised how much Michelle and I have in common as far as online course design and implementation is concerned!

When I read Michele's blog, I learned about an interesting tool, called SpeakPipe, a voice comments tool. I will try it out (it is free!). I am curious how it will work for my students. I added Kaizena to my g-docs to provide voice comments on the pre-service teachers' lesson plans.  It didn't work well to begin with. The team sent a message recently that they improved the programs an added more tools to it. I will add this tool to my toolkit and use it in my classes to provide voice comments.

It is time-consuming and overwhelming at times to learn about new tools! I immediately try them out.

SpeakPipe - receive voice messages from your audience directly on your website.:

'via Blog this'

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